Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Feb 25-March 3rd, and a Thank You or Two...

Swim: 12,620, 4 swims
Bike: 2:35, 2 rides
Run: 37.5 miles, 5 runs.
Total: 10:53

Well, this was quite the interesting week. My swims were feeling great, my runs felt easy, and biking felt okay—then I fell on my cool down on Thursday. There was probably only one patch of ice on the ground in this town, and I happened to find it on Thursday evening. I was about a quarter mile from home, and oops… I found the ice patch. I put my hand out to stop it, but I ended up falling on my hand and landing on my ribs. It wouldn’t have been that bad, except I hadn’t done my swim workout yet. L Unfortunately I had to skip my Thursday swim workout, and I hate skipping workouts. To make things worse, this all happened less than 24 hours before leaving for Stevens Point! Luckily by Friday evening this were feeling okay.

 (I may hate skipping workouts...but...the pool was a little freaky on Sunday.)

On Satuurday, I ran the 5k at UW Stevens Point, and ended up setting a 16 second PR—15:34. I raced smart, and things worked out. I stated the season with a track PR of 16:01, and got it down to 15:50 at the first meet. Then 15:34 at Stevens Point. I am happy with my time, although I was hoping I could run sub 15:30 indoor this year. I definitely think this indoor season has been a great stepping stone leading to outdoor track. What does outdoor hold for me? I am not sure yet. I now have to make the choice of focusing on the longer stuff (5k/10k) or dropping back down to the 400m/800m/1500m. I know the 4x800m will be one of our main focuses this outdoor season—we want that record! I am also thinking I would like to take a crack at getting back onto out 4x400m relay! With that said, I think it would be awesome to go sub 15:00 in a 5k, and we have a perfect line up of meets that could make that possible. Who knows, maybe I will go sub 15, while gaining back my spot on the 4x400m, and being part of the 4x800m record setting team?

I would just like to take the time to say thank you to my teammates at Greenville. I know I only get to practice with y’all a few days a week, but this has been one of my favorite seasons yet! With the way my swim/bike/run schedule is set up, and a Monday evening class, it makes it hard to be there all the time. I am just lucky to have the supportive teammates that I do! I honestly enjoy spending as much time with y’all ask I can. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of y’all, while pursuing another dream of mine.

Also, thank you to coach Steve! I am excited for Clermont Draft Legal on March 9. I have enjoyed the last 4 months or so of training--it has been challenging, but very satisfying. I have learned many things, and I have pushed myself beyond what I would have if I were making my own plans.  I have no doubt that I am ready to race, and I am looking forward to the new experience! 

Song of the Week

Have a great week!  What are your goals for this spring?!

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