Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sub 4:20 Miler, But Intimidated By the 1500m?

This is the video my first ever sub 4:20 mile. I ran 4:18.58 and set the Greenville College indoor mile record. Why am I posting this? Well, recently I have had a few people ask me for the video, but there are other reasons for posting. This is probably the best executed mile I have ever run.

They say, “What you think about, you bring about.” This weekend I am racing the 1500m at Washington University (well, SLU actually), but I have never really been a good 1500m runner. I love the indoor mile, but I really don’t care for the 1500m—although 109m less running actually sounds like it should be more fun! The NCCAA (Christian Nationals) qualifying standard is 4:09.5 and I have honestly never run the qualifying time before the meet—I have run 4:01 in the weeks after the meet, but that is after the fact. This year I would like to actually hit the standard the first time out so I don’t have to worry about it later. With the solid indoor season I had, and a good outdoor season opener, 4:09 should not be that difficult, but it will be a mental task. Running for 4 minutes is not the hard part…blocking out all the other "bad" 1500s I've run (and all the other crazy things that have happened in the past week) is the hard part . I am very much looking forward to the challenge.

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