Tuesday, November 25, 2014

September, October, & November

This is the quick version of race reports from September, October, and November...

September 7
Ironman 70.3 World Championship
M18-24 25th • 4:28 (PR)

September 21
Coyote Classic 5k
1st • 17:25 (CR)

I felt recovered enough from 70.3 Worlds to race a 5k...a week before my first marathon. All I knew is top 3 won a pair of running shoes from the local running store in Golden. Adam and I ran the course as a warm up - 300 feet of elevation gain..gah! First half downhill, second half uphill. I took the lead early and somehow held on to win and set a course record. That was also where I met Anthony (a stud runner also from IL) and started coaching jr high cross country with him.

September 28
Quad Cities Marathon
6th • 2:37:13
(Full RR next)

October 11
Durango Double Trail 13.1
9th • 1:52

I found out within the first mile of this race that I was not recovered from the marathon. It was my first trail race and I just was not ready for the climbing at altitude. I finished 9th OA on day 1, but 5th of people doing both days.

October 12
Durango Double Road 13.1
5th • 1:23

I woke up and considered not racing. I couldn't feel my legs and they were absolutely destroyed from the precious day and the marathon 2 weeks prior. Somehow I still pulled off a decent race and finish 5th OA to move into 3rd for the combined days. I was thrilled as we got some pretty sweet gear for the race.

Durango Double combined - 3rd

November 2
Solemates Collaboration 5k
1st • 15:58

I was not sure how this would go. The previous weekend I did my last long run (21 miles with fast finish) before Malibu Canyon 50k, so my legs were not super fresh. The OA male and female winners won a keg from Left Hand Brewing Co, so I wanted to win! I was not sure who was I the race and I do not race well at altitude -- yet. I took the lead about 1k in and figured if I was going to hurt, I may as well make everybody else hurt too. I came through the first mile in 4:57 and almost had to check my shorts. That was the first sub 5 mile I had popped off at altitude. I came through 2 miles in about 10:10 and was still feeling good. About 1/2 mile from the finish I was able to start shutting it down as I thought I had the win AND I wanted to save my legs for the 10k the following weekend.
Thanks Shoes & Brews and Left Hand for the keg!

November 8
Longmont Turkey Trot 10k
4th • 34:31

I was feeling pretty good about my first sub 16 at altitude the previous weekend, so I decide to just go for it. I came through mile 1 in 5:15 and was already gapped by 10 seconds. Yuck! I ran alone the next 2 miles, until the women's winner pulled up next to me. We ran together for about a mile, and then she pulled away from me. At that point I thought "save it for the 50k next weekend." I finished in 34:31 for 4th OA...which was a altitude 10k PR.

November 16
Malibu Canyon 50k
3rd • 4:35:36 (25k CR)
Already posted.

Over the past few months I would say I had learned quite a bit about myself. I said I was done racing and just wanted to do my own thing...and that is exactly what I have been doing. I have not followed a strict training schedule, but rather going to group runs and having "Saturday Adventre Time." I have been wearing my Garmin to keep track of miles, but I never look at pace. I entered a lot of events that sounded fun. I just went and ran. I have met a lot great people at these events, and for that I am truly thankful. I can't wait to see what exciting adventures are in store for 2015. Here's a hint:

Thanks for reading.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Thoughts and Malibu Canyon 50k RR

Top 5 thoughts after the 50k.

5. What. The. Hell. 31xmile, 2x25k, 10x5k, 5x10k...it doesn't matter how you break it down, it's still 31miles.

4. "Easy course." LOL. Since when does easy include 6300ft of elevation gain, blazin' sun, and up to 40mph winds. Maybe they meant "easy course to follow."

3. That was probably one of the most well marked courses I have very done. I somehow find ways to get lost in a 5k, but was never lost during this 50k.

2. They didn't have peach rings at the aid stations... I wasn't stopping.

1. I laughed, cried, smiled, hurt, and got it done. I could not be happier with the race and wouldn't change a thing.

Race Report

50k (31 miles) 4:35:26 • 3rd OA

I stayed pretty calm until the day before the race. My first freak out moment was when I realized I left my racing flats in Boulder. I was kindly reminded that is is a trail race and I didn't need flats. Whew.

The night before the race I came up with my Top 5 list for before the 50k. That pretty much sums up how I was feeling - excited to be going into the unknown.

I woke up at 4:30am, had coffee, granola, two Toaster Strudels, and some rice. Such a healthy breakfast, right? Anthony and I left around 5:30 Togo pick up Sergio, then we were off to Malibu.

Packet pick up was simple as easy.

The race started at 8:00am. They put the 25k and 50k start together, and the 10k was 10 minutes later.

Within the first mile, there was a pack of about 8-10 of us that broke away. The first section was flat (woohoo) and then you start to climb.

I know I am not the best climber, but I have a pretty simple system - run the flats and downhills, power hike the uphill. I can power hike up the hills faster than I can "run."

Around mile 5 I found myself in the lead group of 4. I started to think that this was going to be the pack that the top 3 OA came out of and they are all stronger climbers than me. With this being a 2 lap course, I did not like my chances of holding them off the second loop. There is a little downhill between miles 6-7 and I decided to make my move. My goal was to open up a gap on the short downhill. Get over the next climb as quickly as possible, then open it up on the descent to the turnaround. I figured if I could put a couple minutes on them going I to lap 2, I might have a chance to hold on for the climb back to the top.

My plan to gap them seemed like a good idea that the time. What I didn't know is that I would come through 25k at tap 2 minutes off the 25k course record.

I was fine for the next flat section, but then the climbing started. I was starting to cramp, and I know I would not be able to run. It was warm, sunny, and winds up to 40mph. I was running scared knowing my lead was probably shrinking by the second.

20.5 miles in, the eventual race winner passed me during the grinding uphill. He said, "run with me," as he went by. Clearly the goal was to run ahead of him, and not with him, but I could not make it up the hill fast enough.

Then at mile 22, the 2nd place guy passed me. I still had a bit of climbing and 9 miles to try and hold on for 3rd.

When I finally made it to the top, all I could think was, "uggh, downhill!" My legs were cramping and it is a very steep downhill. Every step hurt. After a couple miles of downhill I was relieved to finally be on a flat section.

I saw Sergio about 2 miles from the finish and he took some GoPro video. I just remember saying, "I have no idea what is going on behind me, all I know is I can walk and shuffle." About 2 minutes later Anthony came into view again. I had 2 miles to try and hold him off. I just wanted to sit down and be done.

Somehow I crossed the finish like 3rd in 4:35:36, to be closely followed by Anthony in 4:37 (and a big PR).

A fun, great day of racing.

What did I learn? Pay attention to hydration. It was warm and I do not feel like I took in enough fluids. My body was not happy the last few miles.

Thank you all for the support. This has been a fun journey trying to figure out what to do once I stopped racing triathlon. I think this was my last thing for 2014. I'll get the rest of the race reports up soon, along with a season recap, and possibly a glimpse into 2015.

Thanks for reading.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Thoughts Before My First 50k

Tomorrow I will be running my first 50k. I have been slacking with race reports, but I hope to get them all up on the way home. It's around 4:30pm the night before the race, and these are the top 5 thoughts that have gone through my head today.

5. "Oh no! I forgot my racing flats!!" I was not worried or stressed about the race...and then I realized I left my racing flats in CO. Good news - its a trail race. I don't need flats. Whew!

4. So...5900ft of elevation gain over 31 miles. That is ~200 feet per mile. Ain't nobody got time for that!

3. Wait, did I just say I am running 31 miles tomorrow? Well that is basically 31x mile or 10x5k or 5x10k...oh hell, what did I sign up for?!

2. I wonder what kind of candy they have at the aid stations. It just says "assorted candy." What does that mean? This is important!

1. Thank you for all of the support over the past few months. I have gone trough many changes (life/coaching/racing), and I would not have madecitvthrough without all of you. I appreciate the runs we've been on, talking over cups of coffee, and messages/texts/calls along the way.

Tomorrow I will take on the 50k! Leggo!